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No. 1321
65mm Deluxe Magnifier
No. 1331
75mm Deluxe Magnifier
No. 1400
Square Big Magnifier
No. 1421
65mm Magnifier with wooden handle
No. 1431
75mm Magnifier with wooden handle
No. 1436
75mm gold plated Magnifier
No. 1441
90mm Magnifier with wooden handle
No. 1446
90mm gold plated Magnifier
No. 1451-P
100mm Magnifier with wooden handle
No. 1461-P
115mm Magnifier with wooden handle
No. 1550-P
75mm Nine Magnifier small lens 2&4X
No. 1580
Jumbo Magnifier for reading
No. 230
30mm Observation Magnifier
No. 3113
Aspherical handheld loupe 2x 5x 100mm
No. CC-90
90mm reduction Magnifier
No. H-260
Leger loupe two-tone color 2.5 times 75mm
No. H-270
Leger loupe two-tone color 2 times 90mm
No. H-280
Leger Loupe Two-tone 2x & 4x [Small lens] 100mm
No. HL-10
Hand Loupe 10X No.HL-10
No. HL-15
Hand Loupe 15X No.HL-15
No. S-33
Magnifier gift set 2.5x 3x
No. ST-8
Leger loupe set 8 pieces set 2 times 2.5 times
No. W-130LH
Large handheld Magnifier with LED light W-130LH 1.8x Small lens 6x 130mm